HANSDATTER, Mette Cathrina
SCHMIDT, Ingeburg Christiane Tagholmine

SØRENSEN, Jacob Christian Petersen



1. JUHL, Mette Kirstine
2. SCHELLER, Elizabeth Paula

SØRENSEN, Jacob Christian Petersen

  • Født: 30.01.1862, Kolding Sankt Nicolai Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Dåb: 02.03.1862, Kolding Sankt Nicolai Kirke, Sankt Nicolai Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Ægteskab (1): JUHL, Mette Kirstine den 25.10.1884 i Sønder Stenderup Kirke, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Ægteskab (2): SCHELLER, Elizabeth Paula den 10.08.1892 i Mount Olive, Macoupin, IL, USA
  • Død: 06.08.1942, Brattleboro, Windham, VT, USA i en alder af 80 år

punkttegn   Et andet navn for Jacob var JOHNSON, Jacob Christian Petersen.


punkttegn  Notater:

Født: Side 14.

Picture from Dotty Sprague Cole.

At his first marriage (to Mette Kirstine Juhl) he was a worker and bachelor in Sønder Stenderup.
The marriage to Elizabeth Paula Scheller was Jacob Christian's second marriage.

OBITUARY (www.ancestry.com):

REFORMER, August 7, 1942- OBITUARY of Jacob C. P. Johnson.

Jacob C. P. Johnson Died at Age of 80 - Born in Denmark; Active in Local Democratic Affairs - Jacob Christian Peterson Johnson, 80, active in local Democratic affairs for a number of years, died at 11 o'clock last night at his home at 110 Western Avenue after an illness of six months. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson would have observed their golden wedding anniversary next Monday.

The body was taken to the Fleming Funeral home on Terrace Street where it will remain until Sunday at 1 P.M. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 o'clock at the Seventh Day Adventist church. Elder Victor Pike of White River Junction will officiate. Interment will be in Locust Ridge cemetery.

Mr. Johnson was born in Colding, Denmark, Jan. 30, 1862, and came to this country at the age of 17?, going to Illinois, where he worked for a time in the coal mines. His parents were Christian and Sarina P. Johnson? He married Aug. 10, 1892, Elizabeth Scheller in Mount Olive, Ill. The family moved to Brattleboro 28 years ago. For about three years he owned a grocery story on South Main street and later bought a farm in Townshend which he operated 16 years before returning to Brattleboro to make his home. Mr. Johnson then retired from active work.

He is survived by his widow and the following children: Rose, widow of Joseph Rinfret; Dorothy, wife of Edward W. Johnson; Mary, wife of George Gale; Elsie, widow of Frederick Heise, Robert, all of Brattleboro; Jewell, wife of Capt. Robert Sprague of Camp Shelby, Miss.; Clydetta, wife of James Johnson of Hartford, Conn. Six children of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have died. He also leaves 17 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He leaves a brother Hans Johnson of Stratford, Conn., and three sisters, Katherine, Mary and Sarah Johnson, living in Denmark when last heard from.

Mr. Johnson was a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church in Brattleboro.


punkttegn  Om Jacob:

• FT-1870, 01.02.1870, "Arbejdsgården", Fensbjerg, Sønder Stenderup Sogn. Familien forsørges af fattigvæsnet.

• Konfirmation, 09.04.1876, Sønder Stenderup Kirke, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt. Side 109.

• FT-1880, 01.02.1880, Stenderup, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, hus. Ugift. Ingen yderligere oplysninger.


Jacob blev gift med Mette Kirstine JUHL, datter af Svend Andersen JUHL og Johanne Kirstine DAVIDSDATTER, den 25.10.1884 i Sønder Stenderup Kirke, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt. Ægteskabet endte med skilsmisse. (Mette Kirstine JUHL blev født den 22.04.1863 i Bjert, Sønder Bjert Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt, dåb den 17.05.1863 i Sønder Bjert Kirke, Sønder Bjert Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt, døde den 30.07.1937 i Låsbygade 79, Kolding Sankt Nicolai Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt og blev begravet den 04.08.1937 på Sønder Bjert Kirkegård, Sønder Bjert Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt.)

punkttegn  Parnotater:

Viet: Side 51.
S. A. Juhl
P. Chr. Straarup


Jacob blev derefter gift med Elizabeth Paula SCHELLER den 10.08.1892 i Mount Olive, Macoupin, IL, USA. (Elizabeth Paula SCHELLER blev født den 19.01.1877 i Cainsdorf, Zwickau, Sachsen, Germany og døde den 06.05.1946 i East Dover, Windham, VT, USA.)

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