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BEENGAARD, Hans Jørgensen



1. BIRK, Katrine Jørgine

BEENGAARD, Hans Jørgensen

  • Født: 08.01.1859, Dalby Mark, Dalby Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Dåb: 10.01.1859, Dalby Kirke, Dalby Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Ægteskab (1): BIRK, Katrine Jørgine den 28.07.1893 i New York City, New York State, USA
  • Død: 1925, Exira, Audubon, Iowa i en alder af 66 år
  • Begravet: Oak Hill Cemetery, Brayton, Iowa

punkttegn   Et andet navn for Hans var BENGARD, Hans Joergen.


punkttegn  Notater:

Opslag 13 født.

Fundet i tilgangsliste som ankommet fra Dalby til Vejstrup Sogn 4. maj 1875, tjenestedreng hos Johs. Schmidt, Grønninghoved. Rejste derfra igen den 17. maj 1875 og tilbage til Dalby.

I 1880 i Seest som murersvend. Bor hos halvfætteren Hinrich Jørgensen Birck.

Den 12. juni 1881 var Hans Jørgensen Beengaard fadder til Kristian Bargisen. Han er her benævnt "af Dalby".

Den 8. november 1891 var Hans Jørgensen Beengaard fadder til Jørgen Jørgensen Bargisen. Han er her benævnt "ungkarl af Kolding".

Udvandret til USA i 1891.

Murer og landarbejder.

From Toni Geier (October 2013) we have received a story printed in the Exira Quasquicentennial Book, published in 1982. It was written by one of Hans Beengaard's daughters, probably Minnie.

"Hans Bengard (1859-1925) and Katherine Birk (1869-1918) were born in Denmark and grew to adulthood there. They were married in New York City in 1893 and lived there several years. Louis (1893-1972) who married Annette Juhl (1893-1981) was born there. They learned of the large Danish settlement in Audubon County and came to Brayton, Iowa, where Edwin (1896-1967) who married Ruth Herrick, born in 1899, and John (1898-1970) who married Ora Root (1902-1970) were born. The children were baptized in the Lutheran Church west of Brayton known as Oak Hill.

They bought a farm east of Brayton in the vicinity of the "Tree on the Corner" where the five girls were born. Marie born in 1899 married Erwin Wheeler (1900-1957), Cynthia born in 1901 married Harry Eagen also born in 1901, Kathryn born in 1903 married George Hocamp born in 1907, Esta born in 1906 married Earl Frederick born in 1905, and Minnie born in 1910 married Lloyd Stetzel born in 1907.

On March 13, 1906, in sub-zero weather, their home burned to the ground. They lived in a granary until a new house was built.

The family attended school at Exira No. 7, known as the Nattie Hamlin School, 1 mile north of the "Tree on the Corner". The attendance reached 63 (after harvest and before spring work). An additional room was built and an extra teacher was hired to handle the large attendance.

The boys worked with their father in the masonry field. Some of their work was the Exira Grade School (1913?), the Ed Cotton Store now the Community Center, the Lutheran Church, County Court House, entrance to the Exira Creamery and many others. Their hobby in retirement years was building walnut furniture.

The girls attended the Exira High School and taught in the country schools. They all married farmers and lived within the county.

Some of the happy childhood memories are when the double doors were opened and revealed the lighted Christmas tree with real candles, birthdays, the new white lace dresses we had for the Sunday School program at Highland Church, the new high button hook from the Jacob Andersen Store in Brayton, when the boys and older girls climbed behind the heating stove with their violins and guitars and entertained us for the evening, when Mom and Ed made a trip to Anita and brought us two new cylinder records for the Edison phonograph, "Tales of Hoffman" and Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever", the happiest was when they called me "aunt" for the first time, - I was 8 years old, also the night a cloud formation in the sky resembled the American flag, November 11, 1918, the end of World War I and how the news spread on the old party line.

There are 200 descendants of the Hans Bengard family".


Toni Geier has added a comment to the Exira High School and sent a photo of the school which Hans and his sons built. The photo shows Hans, Louis, Edwin, and John. In the 1970's this school had the windows replaced. Louis' son Juhl and his sons did the work. In the 1980's it needed additional work, and Louis' son Terry and his son Brett did the work. Now they are talking about tearing down this wonderful piece of our family history.


The Danish Immigrant Museum:

"Hans Jørgen Bengard and Cathrine Jørgine Birk were married July 28, 1893, in New York City.

Hans and Cathrine were both born near Kolding where they met. Her parents disapproved of Hans because of their differing economic status. The social, independent and more affluent Cathrine argued with Hans about their future life. She sailed to New York without him to stay with her sister, Anna Olsen. Hans followed her to New York, and they were reunited. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Brayton, Iowa."


punkttegn  Om Hans:

• FT-1860, 01.02.1860, Dalby By, Dalby Sogn, kådnersted.

• FT-1870, 01.02.1870, Sjølund, Vejstrup Sogn, hus.

• FT-1880, 01.02.1880, Seest, Seest Sogn, hus. Murersvend. Bor hos halvfætteren Hinrich Jørgensen Birck.

• Udvandring: Amerika, 1891.

• FT-1900 USA, 1900, Brayton & Exira, Audubon, Iowa. Hustru og 4 børn.

• FT-1910 USA, 1910, Exira, Audubon, Iowa. Hustru og 7 børn. (Louis ikke på adressen).

• FT-1915 USA, 1915, Exira, Audubon, Iowa. Her kan man kun se Hans J. Beengaard.

• FT-1920 USA, 1920, Exira, Audubon, Iowa. 5 børn: John, Cynthia, Kathryn, Esta, Minnie.


Hans blev gift med Katrine Jørgine BIRK, datter af Christen Jörgensen BIRCK og Lovise Nielsen SORGENFRYD, den 28.07.1893 i New York City, New York State, USA. (Katrine Jørgine BIRK blev født den 30.08.1869 i Knoop, Tyskland, dåb den 10.10.1869 i Knoop, Tyskland, døde den 26.02.1919 i Exira, Audubon, Iowa og blev begravet på Oak Hill Cemetery, Brayton, Iowa.)

punkttegn  Om Hans og Katrine:

• Bryllup, 28.07.1893, New York City, New York State, USA.

punkttegn  Parnotater:

Sharing ancestors: Jürgen Ulrichsen 1749-1814 and Aneken Niels Degn 1745-1806.

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