LUND, Johannes Petersen
SÖRENSEN, Mette Magdalene

LUND, Anne Marie



1. HÖIST, Andreas Ludvigsen

LUND, Anne Marie

  • Født: 13.04.1840, Favervrå, Tyrstrup Sogn, Sønder Tyrstrup Herred, Haderslev Amt
  • Dåb: 20.04.1840, Tyrstrup Kirke, Tyrstrup Sogn, Sønder Tyrstrup Herred, Haderslev Amt
  • Ægteskab (1): HÖIST, Andreas Ludvigsen den 11.05.1867 i Vejstrup Kirke, Vejstrup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Død: 22.07.1919, Delmar, Clinton, Iowa i en alder af 79 år
  • Begravet: Evergreen Cemetery

punkttegn  Notater:

Opslag 227 født.

Dødsdato fra

At the 1870 and 1880 cencus living in the town of Sjølund, Vejstrup Parish, with husband and children.

Nekrolog - (Julie Witt, 2009):

"Jackson Sentinel
July 29, 1919


In the death of Mrs. Andrew Hoist which occurred at her home in this city Tuesday afternoon, July 22, 1919, another one of Delmar's aged and respected citizens passed on to "The Beautiful Island of Somewhere" mourned by husband and children, and lamented by a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Mrs. Hoist had been in feeble health for several months, but hopes were entertained by herself and family for her future recovery, until about two weeks ago when she suffered a stroke of paralysis, and although every care and attention possible was given her, she rapidly approached the border line between time and eternity and finally passed over it, at the ripe old age of 77 years, 3 months and 0 days.

Mrs. Hoist was born in Denmark April 13, 1840. In 1890 with her family, excepting her eldest son John, who had already preceded the family to their new home, she came to America and located in Delmar on May 10 of that year, where for thirty years she has lived continuously, a quiet, peaceful life, gaining more and more friends as the years rolled by. She leaves to mourn for her aged husband and constant companion, three sons, John L. of Maquoketa, Johanas P. of Manning, Ia., and Matthew of Delmar, and two daughters, Mrs. Paul Scott of Nashville, Ia., and Mrs. Wm. Fredrickson of Maquoketa, but is now reunited with an infant son who years ago left her mother heart aching when he slipped out of the family circle at the bidding of the death angel. Several grandchildren also survive her.

The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. D. Wagner, and were largely attended, many in the congregation being natives of her mother country and consequently close and intimate acquaintances of the deceased. Appropriate numbers were consolingly sung by Miss Irma Steen and Miss Alta Goodjohn, with Miss Ethel Rossiter at the piano. Those chosen to attend the casket were J. C. Jacobson, Chris Jacobson, Chris Rasmussen and Hans Hansen of Delmar, Chris Anderson of Maquoketa and Nels Lauritson of Clinton, and her granddaughters, Florence Scott, Meta Fredrickson, Marie Hoist and Hilda Hoist carried the flowers. Interment was made in Evergreen cemetery."

Also thank you for the picture of Andreas' and Anne Marie's 50th Anniversary.


punkttegn  Om :

• FT-1845, 01.02.1845, Favervrå By, Tyrstrup Sogn, inderstbygning. Ældste datter af 3.

• FT-1870, 01.02.1870, Vejstruprød, Vejstrup Sogn, hus.

• FT-1880, 01.02.1880, Sjølund By, Vejstrup Sogn, hus.


Anne blev gift med Andreas Ludvigsen HÖIST, søn af Johann Hansen LUDEWIGSEN og Inger Stina BEENGAARD, den 11.05.1867 i Vejstrup Kirke, Vejstrup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt. (Andreas Ludvigsen HÖIST blev født den 05.02.1841 i Vennemose, Abild Sogn, Tønder, Højer og Lø Herred, Tønder Amt, dåb den 13.02.1841 i Abild Kirke, Abild Sogn, Tønder, Højer og Lø Herred, Tønder Amt, døde den 18.09.1921 i Delmar, Clinton, Iowa og blev begravet på Evergreen Cemetery.)

punkttegn  Parnotater:

Opslag 120 viet (married).

Parret indrejst i USA i 1890.

Andreas and Anne Marie left Denmark in the spring of 1890 together with their five children to settle down in America. At Inger Stinas death 20th April, 1890 Andreas was staying in America.

At the end of the 19th century many people emigrated to the USA, South America, and Australia amongst others.

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