AAGAARD, Bolette Marie Petersen
- Født: 18.03.1895, Hejls By, Hejls Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
- Dåb: 07.04.1895, Hejls Kirke, Hejls Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
- Død: 06.02.1959, Viborgvej 100, Hasle Sogn, Hasle Herred, Århus Amt i en alder af 63 år
- Begravet: 12.02.1959, Hejls Kirkegård, Hejls Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
Birth: Page 103. God parents (witnesses): 1. The mother of the child. 2. Johanne, the wife of sergeant Madsen, Vejstrup. 3. Peter Aagaard, a farmer. 4. Kristian Aagaard, a bachelor.
Death: Page 128. Bolette Marie Petersen Aagaard. A housekeeper, Viborgvej 100, Hasle Sogn, Hasle Herred, Aarhus Amt. Born in the parish of Hejls 18th March, 1895. A daughter of the farmer Rasmus Petersen Aagaard and his wife Katrine Marie Frimann. Unmarried. 63 years old.
dk-gravsten.dk, photo taken by Lokalhistorisk Forening og Arkiv for Hejls-Hejlsminde.
Sister Maria Columba, 2022: I have a letter (1959) telling of Marie Aagaard's death which I got from my cousin in Wyoming. The news came from Peter Aagaard to my grandfather (Poul Jacobsen Frimann) in Yakima who then wrote the letter to Bess and Rebecca Frimann (Jes Frimann's daughters) in Nebraska. They passed the letter on to their niece Marian Geddes in Wyoming, and her daughter Jane gave it to me here in Colorado.
Om :
• FT-1901, 01.02.1901, Hejls, Hejls Sogn, matr. 54.
• FT-1906, 01.02.1906, Hejls, Hejls Sogn, matr. 54.
• Konfirmation, 18.04.1909, Hejls Kirke, Hejls Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt. Page 230.
• Postcard. The picture of the Christmas card received from Sister Maria Columba. It was sent to her grandfather, Poul Jacobsen Frimann.