pil pil pil
JACOBSEN, Dorothea
HAGEN, Iver Christensen
FRIMANN, Jacob Jacobsen
HALD, Maren Iversdatter
FRIMANN, Jes Jacobsen



1. RASMUSSEN, Ane Margrethe

2. PEDERSEN, Mette Petrea

FRIMANN, Jes Jacobsen

  • Født: 22.12.1854, Stenderup, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Dåb: 27.12.1854, Sønder Stenderup Kirke, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt
  • Partnership (1): RASMUSSEN, Ane Margrethe
  • Ægteskab (2): PEDERSEN, Mette Petrea den 02.06.1882 i Howard, Nebraska, USA
  • Død: 1936, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA i en alder af 82 år

punkttegn   Et andet navn for Jes var FRIMANN, Jesse.


punkttegn  Notater:

Birth: Page 7. His father is living for rent.

1876 found in the city of Odense as a shop assistant. A relationship with the girl Ane Margrethe Rasmussen resulted in a son named Peter Adolph Rasmussen, born 10.12.1876. The couple did not marry.

Reference is made to the letters written by Jes Frimann's mother Maren Frimann in Soender Stenderup.

Emigrated about 1878.
Married 2.6.1882 in Howard, Nebraska with Mette Petrea Pedersen (12.10.1854 Ikast-1935 Omaha).
8 children:
30.03.1883 Maren Elisabeth Frimann (called Bess)
15.12.1885 Adolph Jacob Frimann
15.03.1887 Mollie Frimann
25.02.1890 Perry Jesse Frimann
08.10.1891 Rebecca Pauline Frimann
25.07.1893 Meta J. Frimann
01.03.1895 Alice Frimann
10.08.1896 Claudius Thomas Frimann

Mollie Frimann,
born in Nebraska about 1888, 4 children:
Pauline Elizabeth May 1915-1997
John Lowen May 1912-2001
Paul Wayne May 1915-1965
Meta Petrea May 1914-2000
Mollie Frimann passed away on 18th August 1921 in Merrick County, Nebraske, USA.

Sister Maria Columba, Colorado, 2021:

"The eldest brother, Jes, went first to seek his fortune in America and became rich. He had a mill in Chapman, Nebraska, and eventually moved to Omaha and was a banker and stockbroker with a large family of children.

Jes never wanted to go back to Stenderup. He gave the credit for his success to Germany rather than Denmark because of his education there and said that he owed nothing to Denmark. He had been sent to "Germany" to school. Probably this meant Haderslev or some other place in Slesvig belonging to Germany at the time."


punkttegn  Om Jes:

• FT-1855, 01.03.1855, Stenderup By, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, hus.

• FT-1860, 01.02.1860, Stenderup By, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, hus.

• FT-1870, 01.02.1870, "Cathrineberg", Stenderup By, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, gård. Jes Frimann being a foster son of Paul Clausen Tonnesen, a farm owner, and his wife Maren, born Bogh.

• Konfirmation, 24.04.1870, Sønder Stenderup Kirke, Sønder Stenderup Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt.

• Letter: from Maren Frimann to Jes Frimann, 06.01.1917.
Translated from Danish by Eleanor Freeman.

You must write if you get this letter.

Dear Son and Daughter,

I thank you many times for the Christmas presents, both the money and the nice slippers. I am very pleased with them. Mine are now too short. I had them resoled. These are warm. I am freezing all the time. I am well, however, but I cannot walk. Sister is not well. We help each other as we can. Living is expensive here now. Our long war goes on, it is hard to get firewood, coal is not to be had or too expensive, and wood is no better.

We have not had a lot of frost but storms and rain, but today it is freezing and snowing.

I wrote in November... whether you got it... to wish you a happy birthday and a good new year and good health.

Affectionate greetings to the children and you from sister, mother, and bedstemoder.

Maren Frimann.


Jes havde et forhold til Ane Margrethe RASMUSSEN. (Ane Margrethe RASMUSSEN blev født den 14.12.1847 i Bellinge Mark, Bellinge Sogn, Odense Herred, Odense Amt, dåb den 05.03.1848 i Bellinge Kirke, Bellinge Sogn, Odense Herred, Odense Amt, døde den 28.10.1885 i Odense Sankt Knuds Sogn, Odense Herred, Odense Amt og blev begravet den 03.11.1885 på Odense Kirkegård, Odense.)


Jes blev derefter gift med Mette Petrea PEDERSEN, datter af Peder CHRISTENSEN og Elisabeth PEDERSDATTER, den 02.06.1882 i Howard, Nebraska, USA. (Mette Petrea PEDERSEN blev født den 12.10.1854 i Vådde, Ikast Sogn, Hammerum Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, dåb den 19.11.1854 i Ikast Kirke, Ikast Sogn, Hammerum Herred, Ringkøbing Amt og døde i 1935 i Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA.)

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